
School Life     Volunteers


Makassed volunteer service organization was established in the year 2001 for the occasion of international year for volunteers in order to take care of youth’s affairs and to activate their role within their environment, in order to go systematically with the developmental policy of the Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association. Therefore, the objective of the organization has branched out from the message of the mother association (Al Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association) which encourages the development of volunteer work through training the volunteer to realize the understanding and techniques of volunteer work and to be responsible.

Our Vision

The vision of the Makassed Volunteering Unit is to become one of the most influencing factors in the Lebanese and Arab culture of volunteerism and to be recognized as a vital organization for the creation of fair, peaceful and sustainable societies.

Our Mission

Makassed volunteering Unit’s mission is to train Lebanese youth, particularly the Makassed youth  and ensure their involvement in society, and to enable volunteer leaders throughout the Arab countries to join hands to promote, support and celebrate volunteerism in all the many ways that it occurs throughout the Arab States.

Our Services

1- Community Service Program

Pursuant to the decision of the Minister of Education and Higher Education No. 607 m 2016 on the implementation of the community service project in the secondary stage and the circulation of the project manual issued by the National Research Center, the resolution specified in article 3 of the following:

  • Community service hours at the secondary level are limited to 60 service hours over the three years of secondary school, 45 hours of which are actual service hours, and 15 hours are devoted to planning, preparation, discussion and evaluation, with the possibility of full implementation of these hours during the first and second years.
  • Omar Bin AL Khattab Volunteering Club has participated in Community service with the following associations: Cancer Center in Makassed Hospital,Dar AL Ajaza Dar Al Aytam (orphans)

2- Training Courses Project

Training approximately 142 young men and women between the ages of 15-18 from OBK Volunteering Club on information and skills related to the following voluntary subjects:

  • The concept of volunteering
  • Volunteering in health and social fields
  • Writing and financing projects
  • Life Skills
  • Specialized courses (pediatric stimulants, how to deal with the elderly and people with special needs, rapid participatory survey, first aid, environment, and other courses that build the character)

3- Voluntary Work Camps Project

Over 520 volunteers have carried out over 16 years of approximately 25 training and volunteer camps as follows:

  • Conducting environmental campaigns and rehabilitation of school walls in the villages of Fneideq, Al-Qurnah, Al-Marj, Lala, Barja and Shu’aytiyah
  • Conducting training programs (self-esteem and decision-making, enhancing transparency, children’s activities)
  • Awareness campaigns in villages for women about (domestic accidents, reproductive health; drugs and addiction; smoking ….
  • Rehabilitation of the Scout City Building in Samar Jbeil Spring 2014 (Rehabilitation of the stadium and beautifying the walls)
  • Establishment of a children’s park in the spring 2015 camp in the Marj Bekaa region.

Toros outside stadium of Al-Marg Makassediyah School 2019

4- Children Summer Activities Project

Contribute to the education and awareness of nearly 3000 children from different regions of Lebanon through children’s summer recreational activities by:

  • Songs
  • Lessons of the Islamic religion
  • Outdoor and indoor games – Handicrafts
  • Recreational and educational trips –Technology

5- International and Regional Cooperation Project

  • Representing Lebanon for two years for the International Association for Voluntary Efforts in America to obtain accreditation from the European Union in the field of youth exchange
  • Participating in the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Program (France, Egypt).
  • Participating in the International Visitor Program with the US Embassy (USA)
  • Participating in the Second Regional Conference for Voluntary Work in Muscat, Oman organized by the International Voluntary Efforts Organization
  • Attending workshops and conferences on motivating volunteer work with many local associations.
  • Participating in the Arab Union for Volunteering conferences and the latest  was the Arab African Youth Forum in Egypt in 2019.

6- Quality Label Volunteering in the Framework of the European Solidarity Corps

  • The Makassed Volunteering Unit received the Quality Label from The European Solidarity Corps ehich is an international volunteering programme by the European Commission for young people to go to another country to work for a non-profit cause.

9- The Arab Federation for Voluntary Work·      

   The Makassed Volunteer Unit has joined the Arab Federation for Voluntary Work. 

 10- Beirut Explosion on August 4,2020 ·    

Omar Bin Al-Khattab Voluntary Club , with other volunteering clubs , participated in removing glass and street cleaning, as well as helping people in their homes in the areas of Gemmayzeh, Mar Mikhael and Al-Ashrafiya over a period of a month and a half after Beirut Explosion.

Contact Information


Lebanon-Beirut-Tarik al Jadide- Behind Makassed Hospital- Makassed Volunteers Center

Phone Number:009611636971  or 009611636970

 Email : Makassed.volunteers@gmail.com


Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MakassedVolunteers/

Instagram:Makassed Volunteers